Object Oriented Programming

Object Oriented Programming:

Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is a programming method that uses “objects” instead of pre-defined actions and data instead of logic. To be successful, the programmer needs to define these objects before they can use this data to determine how they will interact with each other. At it very basic level, OOP will use variables instead of static code. These variables can be considered objects. For more information on this topic please visit this link:

jQuery Scrolling Plugins

When you have a page that is very long, or contains a lot of images, you might consider using a Scrolling Plugin. This type of plugin allows multiple images or information to be loaded into a finite amount of space. This type of plugin is very useful because it allows a lot of information to be accessed on a page without making it too long to be accessed easily. Several of these kinds of plugins can be downloaded at the jquery.com site.

Children in CSS

When you define CSS elements, you can use dependencies such as “first-child” and “last-child”. The children are the subgroup that is located immediately under a particular selector id or class in CSS. Using this kind of dependency structure can allow you to pass on characteristics or traits to the children below the parent element. This happens very much the same way a human parent passes on traits to their children. This type of CSS grouping can be used to help define sections and to condense code so the stylesheet does not get too long and unwieldy.

Queueing and Dequeuing Events

When you have a set of data, variables, or other objects that you want to have run in a particular order, you can use the “queue” method (.queue()). This will hold the data in a particular order and when given the proper command, it will pass the data along in the order that was specified in the queue. In order to get the queue to run, you must dequeue the event (.dequeue()). This will allow the data to empty itself into the function in the order defined by the queue. If you need to reset the queue entirely, you must use the “clear queue” command (.clearQueue()). This will completely reset the queue to its beginning state and clear and data that may be held in memory.

For more information and syntax on these events please visit:

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